Sunday 30 September 2012


 naskahku kali ini mengangkat cerita drama dari sebuah pemberontakan kerajaan mataram yang dilakukan oleh trunajaya, yang kemudian ia di anggap sebagai pahlawan oleh rakyat karena dianggap membebaskan mereka dari penguasa yang yang bekerjasama dengan VOC dalam hal ini adalah raja AMANGKURAT. naskah ini di bawahkan dengan cara yang berbeda dengan gaya pertunjukan "obrolan diatas meja".

Chatting on the table  ^_^
Trunajaya is a rebellion in the mataram kingdom when the Amangkurat 1 got power and title of there. But Trunajaya called a knight of mataram , who called Panembahan maduretna panagama.
One of character enter the stage, begin the dialog following by other character. They became speaking about defeated the mataram armies againts trunajaya’s troops. They also hear that amangkurat and his family run away from the castle. And his run away became topic of their chatting.

A          : Assalamualaikum…!!  J
B          :Walaikumsalam… J J J
C          : Walaikumsalam......
D         :Walaikumusalam.....
E          : Wa’alaikumsalam....
A          : OH,. ,. Gods. I hope that it quite I’ll singing, no problem, come on.. come here,. Let’s    chatting a bit.
F          : oOOoh,. ,. Thank You J
C          : Like in my dream.
D         : SISTA,. Do you feel something wrong,. ?
E          : what’s happen,. ?
A          : OOohH,. I see what’s in your mind?
D         : can you read it,.?
A          : of course, mmm.. food.?
D         : no….no…no..
B          : boy,.?
D         :…no,…
             I feel sad,   cause our  chief already die.
F          : what did we do sad or happy?
A          : astagfirulah,. Our king has been die
            Why did you feel happy?
B          : it is different our king who like do bet, killing people in the town squere, it’s not equal             if he die.
(A_B_D_E_F          : BECOME SAD,  as people they felt sad,  but they have a wishes,  because in this period  Amangkurat scheme with VOC,!!! )
“ one of them out of stage and begin to tell us about this story”

A          : amangkurat become Illness from his  runaway arrived Banyumas , than he died an 13 th july 1677. His son become a king who called senapati ing alaga abdurahman  syaidin panatagama.
All character come out they do their activity.
AMangkurat   : truna.. truna..truna.... I lose  from the war. My  promise have been  killing my             father.
Trunajaya       : trunajaya is the great name and became greatest with title panambahan madu            retna panatagama, it is news from mine. I never waiting because I have been   winning against mataram.
                        I won’t worship to the king who sell his self to the VOC.
A_B_C : oh my god..
D_E_F  : there  is untrue…
(Trunojoyo fight against Amangkurat, Trunajaya lose than he run to antang mountain. All this way he look like will die.)
A          : Who is that?
B          : Where is he?
C          : I don’t see anyone.
D         : you’re blind..!! look at that?
E          : oh my god .. He is trunajaya, Iam sorry sir my friend unknow that you’re trunajaya.
F          : oh MY God… now is 26 on December 1676. Its means that you will be pick up by Adipati cakra ningrat.
Bà Become adipati carka ningrat
B          : Back home my son, back to meet susuhunan my son.
C          : who’s not confuse who can to believe.?

(trunajaya back to the mataram, to met amangkurat)
Amangkurat   : welcome back trunajaya welcome, our meeting is not to fight but to pay my promise to you my brother.
First, you ‘ll be a king of mataram so get you’re here sit here, my brother you’ll be a king now.
And second, I never putting down my kyai blabar keris before to kill you.. .. ..


(setelah aku pentaskan ini adalah garapan drama yach bisa di bilang cukup MENGECEWAKAN, blokking ancur, tidak hafal, dan tanpa ekspresi)



  1. lha kok aku ra ditulis peran ne jadi apa,,,,,,, ahh kamu i gaje e om,,,, xixixixixixix

  2. wehhh iki kan sebagai,,, namamu tak tulis koq di sini
